R&D Partnerships

Increased attention is being paid to how Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from exhaled breath are described and quantified as a way of understanding how breath molecules reflect healthy and disease-related metabolic and physiological status.

This is a growing field and a comprehensive curated resource that describes VOCs in breath molecules and how these relate to biochemical and metabolic processes continues to be developed.   

The more high quality data that can be generated and incorporated into a curated VOC resource of this nature, the sooner rapid detection insights can be applied more widely for early diagnosis. Imspex Medical is well positioned to contribute towards this.

We have a well-established track record of working collaboratively with clinical, academic and industrial partners in European and across the UK to generate such data in this manner. 

COVID-19 diagnosis feasibility study

Horizon 2020 TOXI-Triage project

Horizon 2020 BreathSpec