Reducing fats with oils in cakes & biscuits

Reducing fats with oils in cakes & biscuits

fats and oils

Focus in the food and beverage industry has been on creating products that are healthier and better for our general wellbeing.   Fat has always been seen as bad for us however we should be reducing the amount of saturated fats in our diets. For baked goods reducing fat can be quite a challenge when it comes to biscuits and cakes. Fats are important as a technical quality to help provide light, fluffy texture of cakes and helps prevent biscuits from going too hard by preventing too much gluten development. However fats are greatly important in providing taste.

Manufacturers of baked goods have reduced fat by incorporating oil into recipes. By changing this ingredient the aim is to try to achieve that same taste as the original recipe. In any recipe when new ingredients are added this can alter the desired taste and flavour. A sensory panel is used to test differences in taste. However this can be time-consuming and expensive. Our FlavourSpec system provides a rapid analytical approach to determine flavour changes.