
Ion Mobility Spectrometry

What is Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS)?

Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) is an analytical technology that separates analyte mixtures into their component compounds and then detects what these compounds are.

Separation of compounds is based on the specific drift times that ionised compounds need to pass a fixed distance (drift tube) in a defined electric field. The drift time of each substance is determined by the mass and geometric structure of its own ions. These parameters determine the number and rate of collisions with the drift tube walls that, in turn, impact upon the speed of transit through the drift tube. An electrometer then measures the resulting ion current as a function of time.

IMS is an ideal tool to analyse gaseous and liquid headspace samples. Its ultra-sensitivity and rapidity make it ideal for situations where quick results are required, when compound levels are low or where analysis is better done on-site rather than in a laboratory.

Comparative specifications: IMS vs other techniques

Would you like to understand whether IMS is the right choice for your lab or application? This table may help you:

Deployment Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Lab & Point-of-Care
Mass range 1050 amu 20 – 180 amu < 300 Da < 1000 Da
Ions positive positive positive positive, negative
Detection limit ppbv-ppmv pptv ppbv pptv-ppmv
Gas consumption Helium Helium Helium Air
Vacuum pump needed yes yes yes no
Measurement time 60 – 120 min 30 min 30 min 10 min
Weight 96 kg 170 kg 212 kg 18 kg
Dimensions (cm x cm x cm) 88 x 56 x 50 56 x 130 x 78 90 x 72 x 88 45 x 35 x 28
Personnel needed for operation Scientist Scientist Scientist Technician


While IMS can be complimentary with many analytical techniques, it can often be seen as an alternative to GC-MS. So, how do they compare?

Low ongoing cost of ownership
At home, in the laboratory or on-site
Intuitive software

The problem to be solved

Early and accurate detection of the presence of a disease in an individual is key to improving outcomes for patients and value for healthcare providers. Breath analysis is one of the technologies emerging from the realms of Big Data and computing advances that holds promise to make early detection of disease a reality. Early identification of metabolic disease processes would be a game changer for more effective treatment and management of infectious diseases, cancers and chronic lifestyles diseases, to name just a few conditions.

A role for Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath contain large amounts of chemical information that reflect the biological mechanisms and metabolic processes at play within an individual at any given point in time. When analysed into metabolic profiles, this information can be used as a biomarker to detect the presence of disease condition.

Until recently, sufficiently sensitive analytical technology and computing power has not been available to be able to detect, quantify and extract patterns that can be associated with specified disease states from very low concentrations of compound. Imspex Medical’s GC-IMS technology addresses this gap.

Our GC-IMS technology

Our technology combines the analytical chemistry strengths of gas chromatography (GC) and Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) with Big Data multivariate data analysis power. Analytical chemistry results are analysed with proprietary integrated software to identify digital compound signatures and to link these to given target disease indications.

Detection using this ultrasensitive method yields rapid and accurate results, even with low compound concentrations. It is robust and can be used in both centralised laboratories and for decentralised testing. This makes it equally applicable for use in environments ranging from laboratories through to community healthcare and mass screening situations.

Technical characteristics of GC-IMS

Early and accurate detection of the presence of a disease in an individual is key to improving outcomes for patients and value for healthcare providers. Breath analysis is one of the technologies emerging from the realms of Big Data and computing advances that holds promise to make early detection of disease a reality. Early identification of metabolic disease processes would be a game changer for more effective treatment and management of infectious diseases, cancers and chronic lifestyles diseases, to name just a few conditions.

Ultrahigh sensitivityDetection Limits in the low ppb (μg/m3) range for VOCs with heteroatoms like ketones, aldehydes, alcohols, amines, or halogenated compounds
High selectivity

Specific analyte ion drift times

2-Dimensional separation

Full orthogonality

FlexibilityCapability to generate both positive and negative ions
Low Pressure IonisationUse of Atmospheric Pressure Ionisation (API)
GC parametersHigh GC sampling frequency
Regulatory conformity with respect to 3H

No license for 3H source required according to EU directive 96/29 EURATOM

Radiation protection officer not required

ConfidenceHigh reproducibility
Gas supplyNitrogen or synthetic air
Data analyticsStand-alone data acquisition software and software suite for 3D GC-IMS data analysis

Our Technology

Our proprietary technology combines gas chromatography with ion mobility spectrometry to form a robust, selective and ultra-sensitive GC-IMS combination that has multiple research, industrial, environmental and medical applications.